BIX42 is the best mobile billing, invoice and payment collection app for businesses like Newspaper agencies, Cable operators , ISP providers, Internet providers, broadband operators, LCOs , LMOs , Milk , Tiffin , Water Delivery and Retail Shops,

* Best Billing Software *
* Prepare eBills of Customers *
* Available for Mobile and Desktop *
* Manage Customers of Your Business *
* Grow Your Business *
* Collect Payment from Your Customers *
* Send Bills and Invoice to your customers on WhatsApp *
* Print and Share Invoices using Thermal Printer *
* Expense Management *
* Collection Boy Management *
* Automatic Payment Reminder *
* Custom Invoice format *


Pinkcity Tower, Banipark, Jaipur

Delivery and Shipping Information

Merchant to Customer Service
Bix42 is a customer management platform for the merchants. All the services are provided to merchant offline only. Bix42 does not offer any service to the customer on merchant’s behalf. Shipping and delivery is handled by merchant only.

Merchant to Bix42 Service –
Bix42 is a cloud based mobile and web application, it does not provide any hardware so no delivery and shipping needed for the service access.